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Tag: Career

Opportunities Online – Booking an Event


Further to my original video walkthrough of the Opportunities Online system I was asked to create a new version showing the events booking functionality. I split it into three sections and recycled the ‘Logging In’ scene from the earlier content item to save some work and time. I have also continued to work on the style and presentation of these to make them even better, making the image on the welcome slide full screen for a smoother appearance and increased visual impact for example.

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eRecruitment System (Stonefish)

Training on all stages of the University’s recruitment and selection process, and how the eRecruitment system Stonefish has been adopted and integrated to support stages 3-6:

  1. Establish the need for the vacancy
  2. Identify the requirement
  3. Executive authorisation
  4. Attraction strategy
  5. Shortlisting
  6. Selection
  7. Appointment
  8. Integration

The training also demonstrated the process for applicants and explained how this has been significantly improved by, for example, allowing people to store details for future applications.

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DLHE Survey Walk Through


The Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey has become a crucial part of university rankings and, with all surveys, there is a correlation between positive results and the numbers completing the survey. Analytics over the past few years at Sunderland have shown that we have a significant percentage of people who start the survey but don’t complete it. To help improve this our Careers and Employability Service asked me to create a video walk-through of the survey showing people what it looks like and how long it takes to complete. This was building on earlier work I’ve done for Careers using Storyline which has been very well received.

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Careers Induction


Further to the video walkthrough, I have now been able to integrate Careers’ PowerPoint presentation into this Storyline item to create a more seamless experience for students. It has been well received and the customer has been impressed by what Storyline can do, so there is almost certainly going to lead onto more work in the future which will enhance the online material which our Careers and Employment service provides.

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Opportunities Online Demonstration


Another quick Storyline presentation, this time a video walkthrough of how to access and use a vacancy search tool provided by our Careers and Employment Service. This will be used in the next couple of weeks as part of their induction for new students and is, presently, just a link on their PowerPoint, though I have suggested to them that their PowerPoint could be imported into Storyline and integrated with this video to make it all seamless.

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