I am just about ready to draw a line under H5P, and mark that big two year old Trello card ‘Done, Done’. We have a dedicated WordPress site within the team for creating content, with all H5P content types available, and everything I have tested has embedded into Canvas just fine.
There are two outstanding niggles which bother me. The first is that we can’t store marks / outcomes in the Canvas Gradebook, but that feature is only available via paid and hosted H5P content which is not an option for us. The second, which I might yet be able to fix, is that Canvas strips out the H5P resizing Javascript code so it doesn’t look as nice.
In any case, to wrap this up I have spent some time today teaching myself how to use a half dozen content items that stood out to me as useful, all quiz / interactive elements, apart from the two picture slider (Image Juxtaposition) which is just really cool and useful.